Greetings beautiful souls!
After a very long summer and fall of being in a temporary location, after the flood of my original studio; I am sooo pleased to announce that I found a new studio!!
The address is:
Old Adobe Office Park
ZY Quigong Healing Arts Center
326 S. Wilmot St Bldg B Suite 110
Tucson, AZ 85711
Enter off of Wilmot on to 14th St, one street south of the Park Place Mall entrance on the West side of the street. Park in the parking lot, stay on the ground level locate the teal gate at the North end of the building complex, stay on the left side of the side walk, Suite 110 is a set of double french doors. The name of the center is the ZY Qigong Healing Arts Center.
I will be offering my Massage Therapy Services, along with Yoga classes. There is a seperate studio space for the yoga and a private treatment room. I am so excited to share the space with Mark Frigetti, Qigong Master Teacher. This healing arts center is wonderful! It is truly a place to heal and there are a network of healers that utilize the space. There are such activities as drum circles, sacred feminine circle, tuning fork workshops, group meditation, and much more! These various activities are offered at various times during the month, feel free to inquire about all the interesting healing things humans can participate in.