Special Precautions and Considerations for COVID-19 (Revised)
We are Open! But we have some RULES.
For Right Now I ask:
1. If you have any symptoms of:
• Loss of taste or smell (this is specifically indicated in positive COVID cases)
• Fever (anything higher than 98.6 degrees)
• Coughing or Sneezing
• If you have any illness symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has
PLEASE stay home, we can reschedule.
2. Take your temperature the night before or morning of your appointment. I am mandating that 98.6 degrees or below is safe, anything higher we will reschedule.
3. Wash and Sanitize. Please arrive to your appointment showered, clean and hands sanitized.
4. Use the provided handkerchief when you have a cough or sneeze, when the treatment is over, place it in the middle of the sheets so that I can roll it up and launder it.
5. Try not to touch your nose, mouth or face during the treatment, use the provided handkerchief. Please avoid sneezing and coughing on me when you turn over on the table.
6. If you have been in the hospital or visited a hospital, please refrain from scheduling a massage appointment for the next 14 days. If you remain symptom free after 14 days we will set up an appointment.
7. If you have air traveled, please refrain from scheduling a massage appointment for the next 14 days. If you remain symptom free after 14 days we will set up an appointment.
8. Please wear a mask. When you are on the table I provide a cloth to cover your nose and mouth so it’s more breathable. But from entering and exiting the space, wear your masks.
9. COVID-19 Contact. If you have come into contact with someone who has symptoms or been diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not schedule an appointment. If you remain symptom free after 14 days we will set up an appointment.
What I’m doing:
1. Washing my Hands before and after each treatment.
2. Changing sheets after each client. Launder the sheets at the end of each day.
3. Cleaning all hard surfaces with alcohol wipes.
4. UV-C light Sanitation. For 15-minutes after every client I use the light rays to sanitize the room, and utilize fans to keep the air circulating. At the end of each day the UV-C light will sanitize for 60-minutes.
5. Essential germ fighter oil in oil diffuser. I use this germ fighter every cold and flu season to protect myself and clients from germs.
6. Following the guidelines set forth by the CDC, local government, and the Arizona Massage Therapy Board.
7. For now, I am not treating any new clients, unless they have been referred by existing clients. I have set October 1st, 2020 as the date that I might become open to new clients, but that date is subject to change depending on the trending numbers.
8. For now, I am limiting my work hours and the number of clients I see in a week.
My clients are my NUMBER ONE priority. So that means we all must work together to ensure EVERYONE’S safety. As we all have experienced in the last two months, this virus is much bigger than just any one individual, so we must unite to keep protecting one another and prevent transmission. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.