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8 Limbs of Yoga


What are the Eight Limbs of Yoga?:

According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the ancient texts that is often cited as a source for the philosophy behind yoga, there are eight “limbs” (Ashtanga in Sanskrit) of yoga. Each limb relates to an aspect of achieving a healthy and fulfilling life, and each builds upon the one before it. You may be surprised to hear that only one of the limbs involves the performance of yoga postures.

1. Yama:

Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards others.


Definition: The Yoga Sutras are thought to have be authored by Patanjali around the year 250 CE. Although they make little mention of yoga asana practices, they are often cited as the philosophical basis for modern postural yoga. The yamas are moral directives intended to guide the practitioner's behavior towards others. They are as follows:

Ahimsa: Nonviolence towards others
Satya: Truthfulness
Asteya: Not stealing
Brahmacharya: Chastity. Whether this means celibacy or simply controlling one's sexual impulses is open to interpretation.
Aparigraha: Not coveting




2. Niyama:

Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards oneself.


Alongside the yamas, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali list five niyamas. While the yamas direct one's behavior towards others, the niyamas describe how to act ethically towards oneself. Together, these two sets of rules were meant to guide one to a moral lifestyle. Here are the niyamas:

Saucha: Cleanliness
Santosa: Contentment with oneself
Tapas: Sustained practice
Svadhyaya: Self study
Isvara pranidhana: Surrender to a higher power

3. Asana:

Practice of yoga postures, although it should be noted that in the time of Patanjali the word asana meant seat. The advent of modern yoga postures happened much later.


4. Pranayama:

Practice of breathing exercises.

5. Pratyahara:

Withdrawal of the senses, meaning that the exterior world is not a distraction from the interior world within oneself.


6. Dharana:

Concentration, meaning the ability to focus on something uninterrupted by external or internal distractions.

7. Dhyana:

Meditation. Building upon Dharana, the concentration is no longer focused on a single thing but is all encompassing.


8. Samadhi:

Bliss. Building upon Dhyana, the transcendence of the self through meditation. The merging of the self with the universe. Sometimes translated as enlightenment.
Works Cited
Light on Life, B.K.S. Iyengar, 2005.
Yoga: The Iyengar Way, Mira Silva and Shyam Mehta, 1990.


YOGA: Online Class NOW available

Vinyasa Tuesdays @9:00am

(In person and on Zoom)




10am - 5:30pm



10:30am - 2:00pm



5655 E. Mabel St.,  Studio B (Located in the back of the property) 

Tucson, AZ 85712

Located on the Northwest corner of Mabel St. and Van Buren St. Please park in the back, there is parking either on the street of Van Buren, or in the space behind the studio space. Go through the gate, and the studio is to your right. 



Telephone: 520.891.2412

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